A Southern Stroll
Covering around 850 kilometres and winding through jarrah and karri forest country along the Donnelly River southwards of Bridgetown, then through a section of D’Entrecasteaux National Park on the south coast, this trip suits a summer long weekend.
If you’re into fishing or just lazing on the beach watching the surf of the Southern Ocean roll in, plan to spend longer. Remember though, that no pets are allowed in our National Parks. The trip notes begin in Bridgetown, taking you through Donnelly Drive, across the Vasse Highway, through D’Entrecasteaux National Park via Lake Jasper, and bringing you out at Manjimup on the South Western Highway. Roads utilised within the State Forest are unsealed but generally well maintained, while tracks in the National Park are mostly deep sand requiring 4WD and reduced tyre pressures. Check on track conditions, camping regulations and seasonal road closures by contacting the DPAW Donnelly District office at Pemberton on 9776 1207.
Please note that you can purchase this and 17 more great day trips out of Perth in 4WD Weekends out of Perth.