Moore River Sandplain

Moore River Sandplain

From Beermullah West Road, northwards of Gingin, this route skirts the western edge of four important northern sandplain reserves in the Wanneroo and Moora Conservation and Land Management Districts. These include Moore River Nature Reserve, Moore River National Park, Namming Nature Reserve and Eneminga Nature Reserve. The terrain is mostly flat and sandy but the vegetation is incredibly varied. Consisting of Grevillea, Banksia, Eucalyptus, bottlebrush, myrtles and extensive tracts of heath, it provides a spectacular explosion of colour during spring with the track edges glowing with Golden Long-heads. However, travellers at that time of year should be aware that kangaroo tick will be on the move and thirsting for blood. Many people have allergic reactions to tick bites so keep your windows up where vegetation encroaches on the track, and take extra care when out bushwalking.


Please note that you can purchase this and 14 more great day trips out of Perth in 4WD Days out of Perth (5th Edition)